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After Purchase Piano Valuation Form


This page is for when you have purchased one of our packages on the VALUATION page at the top. Please fill in the form above with the help of the images and guidelines below in order to make the entire process as simple and hassle free as possible

Thank you for purchasing one of our packages and trusting us in helping you determine the fair market value of your piano. We aim to get our detailed report back to you within 5 working days upon receiving the specific information required.

Please see below to make sure everything we have asked for has been provided. We know there is quite a lot of information required but this is crucial in order for us to give you an accurate valuation. If anything required is missing, it will delay to process and turnaround of the report.

Make of piano – this should be on the fall board (key cover) on the underside of this lid normally in the middle or occasionally aligned to the right. 






Model of piano – not all pianos will have a model. If it does have a model name/number, for upright pianos you will have to lift up the very top lid, it will be on the cast iron frame, at the top either in the middle or on the right hand side (it may help to remove the front panel too in order to see properly. This is done by lifting up the lid and rotating the turning pegs inside either end. It should then lift off and the same again in reverse to put it back on). For grand pianos, you may have to slide the music desk/stand off completely and it should be on the frame in the middle, in front of the tuning pins or aligned in the front right hand corner. See below for examples.







Serial number – a bit like the model number, serial numbers can be tricky to find but will normally be in the same location as the model number. It normally consists of between 5-10 numbers or a mix of numbers and letters. This is what we use to backdate the pianos age to provide the year of manufacture so it is very important we get this. See below for examples. If you can't find it drop us a message and we will help.








Dimensions – please provide accurate dimensions of the piano in centimetres. For upright pianos we need the full width (across the keys from far left to far right), depth (from the back to the very front of the piano) and height (from the floor to the very top of the piano). For grand pianos we need the full width (across the keys from far left to far right) and depth (from the very front of the keys to the very back of the harp). See below.





History – please provide as much information as you can in regards to the history of the piano. In terms of when it was purchased, how many owners (if you know) and any other relevant information you have that is necessary.


Tuning – please confirm how frequently the piano has been tuned since you have owned it. Also when it was last tuned and (if possible) the contact details of the tuner that last tuned it.


Storage – please confirm if the piano has been stored in/out of direct sunlight, in/out of a temperate and humidity controlled room, not directly in front of a radiator and not in a conservatory or garage.


Restoration – please confirm if the piano has had any internal restoration work done before or during your ownership. Likewise, if the casework has been refinished, French polished, painted etc.

Upright Piano Pictures - see below the 8 images of the piano we require. Please try to get your pictures as close as possible in terms of angle and good quality lighting to the templates we have set out below. We recommend doing this in good, natural daylight with all curtains/blinds open.




























Grand Piano Pictures - see below the 8 images of the piano we require. Please try to get your pictures as close as possible in terms of angle and good quality lighting to the templates we have set out below. We recommend doing this in good, natural daylight with all curtains/blinds open.​​​​​​​


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