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Gold Package - a full report of your piano including the make, model (if applicable), serial number, year of manufacture, dealer selling price, private selling price and fast sale price along with all the positive and negative points of that specific piano AND brand in general. In the Bronze Package, the reoprt is just returned in basic email form, in this Gold Package the detailed report is presented on a headed certified document of authenticity in a PDF file and signed off by us at Value My Piano (see image for example). This acts as peace of mind for prospective purchaser of your piano (likened to that of a service history on a car).


This of course looks a lot more formal and is a lot more professional adding further value and clarity to your piano sale. These can of course be uploaded to the listing when selling your piano or printed off and given to the new owner and even framed in A4 frames and put on top of the piano if you wish.

​Also as per the Silver Package, included in the Gold Package is a personalised certificate of valuation with your pianos information on, also signed off and approved by us at Value My Piano. This includes the make, model (if applicable), serial number, year of manufacture, a brief description of the history of the manufacturer along with dealer selling price, private selling price and fast sale price at the time of valuation. We find this too adds significant value to your piano sale or clarity to your piano purchase as this can be documented along side selling or validation for buying/making an offer.


Please note: after purchasing this package we will require any relevant history of the piano (if possible) along with some accurate dimensions. Precise pictures of certain areas and from specific angles will also be crucial in order to give an accurate valuation. After purchase, we will send an email to you with all the information required in a simple check list along with templates for the pictures we require for you use as a guide and return. We will of course also require the make, model and serial number which we will advise the location of these. From there we will research, put together our report and return your valuation within 5 working days. Most reports can be done much sooner than this, however some of the more obscure pianos may take a little longer as we have to do more extensive research into similar pianos sold and also speak to our network of piano technicians for advice on specifics of that brand to give you as much information as we can.

Gold Valuation Package

SKU: 364115376135191
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